What's the difference between Ordermate and Amazon Subscribe & Save

 min. read
June 2021

Go beyond Amazon Subscribe & Save with powerful automation tools using Ordermate and Zapier integrations to automate purchases.

What is Subscribe & Save?

Amazon offers a service called Subscribe & Save, which allows customers the option to automatically fill orders on items they need on a regular basis and ship them directly to their door. Subscribe & Save users can set ordering preferences on Amazon items on - say monthly intervals for example - in exchange for a discount on the product.

You’re able to choose the number of items you’d like shipped, the frequency of delivery as well as the date you’d like them shipped, which makes this service a great tool for “setting it and forgetting it” with products you need on a regular basis. Amazon Subscribe & Save also allows you to skip an order when needed and you’re able to cancel the subscription at any time for added flexibility.

But what do you do if the product you need isn’t available with Subscribe & Save?" Maybe you would rather have Amazon products automatically ordered and shipped when you run low on that product instead of a static monthly interval. These are a few of the common problems Ordermate can help with:

Can’t find a product on Subscribe & Save? Try Ordermate.

Ordermate works similarly by triggering “ordermations” from major retailers like Amazon and Walmart that will automatically order recurring purchases based on smart integrations that allow for endless customization options. Ordermate can automate your purchases by setting up custom ordering triggers through the app that allow you to set up once and forget.

1. Subscribe and save is only offered for some, not all products. Ordermate can do all products on Amazon. (except gift cards and ebooks, etc)

With Ordermate you’re able to set up an automatic order for any item from Amazon with ease. You’re also able to programmatically ship items based on need.

2. Subscribe and Save is limited to static schedule intervals, Ordermate offers custom triggering that makes auto buying much more powerful and custom.

Zapier integrates seamlessly with Ordermate to create smart ordermations that allow for shipping to different addresses and the option to only fulfill Amazon orders based on how much or when the product is needed.

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